Low Capacity Off-System Truss Bridges
Over the last five years alone, our inspectors have performed over 200 truss span initial, routine, in-depth, and fracture critical inspections. Clients have included municipal, county, and state departments of transportation. Typically ranging between 70 and 100 years old, these trusses are often load restricted, limiting the ability to use traditional access equipment. Comprised primarily of fracture critical members, a hands-on inspection is typically required for truss members and floorbeams. Our inspectors bring extensive experience using rope access, suspended work platforms, and 100% tied-off climbing techniques to inspect these bridges – often at a reduced cost to traditional scaffolding or unique access equipment. Our approach can eliminate impacts to the traveling public, including one-lane bridges.
Our inspectors have accurately documented remaining section properties utilizing ultrasonic testing equipment and D-meters, and have performed more than 40 as-inspected truss and gusset plate load ratings for these structures, recommending load restrictions, repairs, and/or corrective action as required.

Updated: May 20, 2022